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Workshop on Recognition & Flexible Learning Paths

Rector of the University of Montenegro, prof. Predrag Miranovic officially opened the event and addressed the audience with the welcome speech. First day of the workshop, Law on Higher Education, Law on Vocational Qualifications, Law on Recognition of Foreign Educational Certificates and Equivalence of Qualifications as well as the Law on National Qualifications Framework were presented by representatives of Ministry of Education and Sports of Montenegro. Representative of University of Montenegro presented strategy on development of lifelong learning at University of Montenegro as well as the procedure for LLL offer at the UoM. Second part of the workshop was dedicated to the presentation of comparative analysis of existing best EU practices in recognition of prior learning, by UNICA expert Pat Davies. After that, participants was divided in working groups, The task of the working groups was to propose a possible  model of recognition of prior learning in Montenegro. Second day of workshop participants were continuing group work. At the and of the seminar general conclusions of each group were made.


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