CBHE Grantholders’ Meeting was held on 28-29 January 2019 in Brussels (Belgium).
This two-day meeting was addressed to the representatives of CBHE projects selected under the Call for proposals EAC/A05/2017. Its overall aim was to address in detail practical issues related to the implementation of your project, the management of the grant agreement and the financial rules applicable to the CBHE grant. The meeting was also an excellent opportunity for new and experienced practitioners to network with other projects.
The meeting was divided into plenary sessions, parallel workshops sessions and a helpdesk.
The workshop sessions were devoted to financial issues. The helpdesk allowed individual projects to meet their EACEA Project Officers. Other helpdesks allowed participants to meet with representatives from the International Contact Points (ICPs) in the Programme Countries, representatives from the National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) located in some of the Partner Countries and representatives from the European Commission and the Agency in charge of other Erasmus+ and Marie Sklodowska Curie actions in order to discuss project implementation issues.
Finally, a time-slot was devoted to networking between project representatives in order to encourage interactions and discussions between projects working in the same regions.