National Erasmus + Office +382 20 223 087



Law on Higher Education 2017

Law on Innovation Activities 2016

Law on Scientific Research Activity 2014

Law on Adult Education 2011

Law on National Qualification Framework 2010

Law on National Vocational Qualifications 2008



Strategy for the Development of HE 2016-2020

Europe 2020 Strategy



Rulebook on Licensing of HEIs 2014

Regulation on Norms and Standards for Financing 2011

Rulebook on Qualification Levels 2010



HERE&NEO publication 2020

NEO leaflet 2020

NEO&EU Info Centre – Infographic Erasmus days 2020

Brochure 2020 – Legal clinics in service of vulnerable groups

NEO publication 2019 – The impact of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility on the students of Montenegro

HERE publication 2019 – REFORMS INSIDE

Leaflet – Erasmus+ facts and figures 2019

Leaflet – Erasmus+ programme in Montenegro 2019

Poster – Higher Education System in Montenegro 2019

Poster-Impact of Erasmus+ in Montenegro 2019

2018 Cluster meeting report on Erasmus+/Tempus curriculum development projects

Publication on International Credit Mobility 2018

Paris Communique 2018

Overview of the Higher Education system in EU Partner Countries 2017

NEO Publication 2017

Erasmus+ Leaflet 2015

Yerevan Communique 2015

National Tempus Office Bulletin 2012

Bucharest Communique 2012

Budapest-Vienna Declaration 2010

Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve Communique 2009

Survey on the Impact of Tempus III programme 2008

London Communique 2007

Bergen Communique 2005

Berlin Communique 2003

Prague Communique 2001

Bologna Declaration 1999

Lisbon Recognition Convention 1997

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Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

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