This project is focused on fostering active learning and better motivation through implementation of OER in the teaching process for reinforcing the knowledge of university students and providing life-long learning opportunities to employees.
The wider objective of this project is to foster partnerships between higher education institutions and enterprises by blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge within BAEKTEL, an OER (Open Educational Resources) network, where course materials by HE institutions and best practice examples by enterprise experts will be published in different languages, ultimately promoting the concepts of life-long learning and virtual mobility.
Specific objectives, within the aforementioned wider one, include:
• to establish an OER framework for fostering technology enhanced learning (TEL) within HE institutions and life-long learning within enterprises in WB countries, develop and implement guidelines and procedures for quality assurance of OER according to EU practices at national level in WB beneficiary countries;
• to provide training for relevant members of HE institutions and enterprises responsible for production of OER materials by qualified OER trainers thus enabling them to initially populate BAEKTEL with resources from the domains of ICT, geoinformatics, mining and environmental protection;
• to produce course materials in various languages, both in video and audio format and in written form as parallel (multilingual) corpora of lessons and texts, supported by electronic terminological resources, services, and functionalities for searching and browsing of terminological resources and using them for text annotation.