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Acquisition of the equipment for students with visual and hearing impairments at the University of Montenegro

“In addition to the mobility programs of students who started vocational training with employers in Sarajevo and Novi Sad, the acquisition of this equipment represents the most important measurable result of the Trans2Work project,” Tatijana Dlabač, representative of the University of Montenegro, said.

“Acquisition of the equipment is, at the same time, the result of a three-year effort of the University of Montenegro to provide the best conditions for the work of students with disabilities”, Dlabač said.

Association of youth with disabilities of Montenegro, as one of the partners of the project, provided support when it comes to the implementation of these activities.

“Bearing in mind the number of students with disabilities who study at the organizational units of the University of Montenegro in Podgorica, with the aim of partially removing the operational barriers that students with disabilities face on a daily basis, this equipment is available for use of the Central University Library whose premises allow the widest user accessibility” Dlabač said.

Computerized and specialized equipment includes: desktop computer, tablet, magnification and screen-reading software, virtual reality glasses, electronic magnifier for people with visual impairment, speech synthesizer in mother tongue, screen reader, portable induction loops for persons with hearing impairments, video cameras, wireless microphones, Braille lines for persons with visual impairments, LED TV with subtitles, audio-video application or a server that allows subtitles for people with hearing impairments (gesture or sign language translation), software for preparation of the text for the Braille printer, as well as the Braille printer.

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