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Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and environmental impacts- master study (ENERESE)

Naziv projekta / Title Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and environmental impacts- master study (ENERESE)
Referentni broj / Reference number 530194-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR
Godina projekta / Project year 2012
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 3
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Tip projekta / Type Tempus Joint project – Governance Reform
Kratak pregled / Summary Structuring the development of the new two years master programme Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Impacts at WB partners universities in accordance with the European standards (3 cycle’s architecture and ECTS).Bringing master curricula, teaching methods, laboratory and library facilities into the recognized standards. This programme will be offered to the broad class of Bachelor engineers in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Electrical Engineering and Technology in RS, BA and ME. Retraining the lecturers (docents and professors), future lecturers (assistants) and best students (future experts and assistants) from WB partner universities by EU experts at EU universities. Reshape curricula in general subjects, increase the proportion of experimental and practical work, introduce practical placements and projects against lectures and tutorials, upgrade existing courses and introduce students-focused methodology.

During the project period the new curricula architecture has to be established at WB partner universities. The following activities are planned:

• Strategies for the new master programme will be defined (WP.1)

• Development of the new restructured curricula (WP.2)

• Drafting of course outlines (WP2)

• Methodology improvements  for new master programme. Over the whole project period the teaching staff from WB universities will be retrained at EU partners universities where they will attend courses, tutorials and scientific seminar/conferences on specific topics included in the Master curricula. Seminars by EU experts at WB partners will complement the teaching staff training scheme. New textbook have to be developed and published. Laboratories and libraries at regional partners will be renewed (WP.3)

• At the start of the academic year 2013/14 (second project year) the new master programme will start its implementation. ECTS will be implemented and its calculation will be based on the EU standards and partner countries experience. At least 120 students have to be enrolled and approximately 40 to graduate during the whole project period (WP.4)

• Quality control and monitoring will be provided by the project management team. Internal assessment will be done by QA offices, the university Senate, Student Parliament and Ministry of education and external assessment by EU partners(WP.5)

• Dissemination process will be performed during the whole project period with the elaboration of specific dissemination materials (WP.6)

• Sustainability of project results will be achieved through systematic validation by the faculty and university councils and by the accreditation recognition of the Ministry of Education (WP.7)

• Project management will be provided by the coordinator and Project Management Team (PMT) assisted by administrative staff members for the follow up of project activities and project expenses (WP.8).

Partneri / Partners State University of Novi Pazar (Serbia) – coordinator

University of Belgrade(Serbia)

University of Nis(Serbia)

Serbian Chamber of Engineers(Serbia)

Serbian Energy Efficiency Agency(Serbia)

University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

University of Montenegro

Ministry of Economy of Montenegro

Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

University of Zilina (Slovakia)

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany)

Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros  691719
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros 621979
Preuzmite dokument / Download Preuzmite
Previous Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management


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