November 3, 2023 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans’ Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) – (COWEB)
November 3, 2023 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Managerial and GoverNance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)
November 3, 2023 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans Education (DIGITCRESHE)
November 3, 2023 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Strengthening capacities and digital competences in biomedical education through internationalization at home (BIOSINT)
November 3, 2023 In Projekti ERASMUS+ MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development (CRED4TEACH)
November 1, 2023 In Projekti ERASMUS+ E-Learning Gamifyed and Networked Training for Startupper (E-le.G.A.N.T.S.)
October 9, 2020 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro higher education (DUALMON)
October 9, 2020 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Improving the process of education through the development of e-learning multimedia platform and smart classrooms (SMARTEL)
October 9, 2020 In Projekti ERASMUS+ Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities (STAND)