March 26, 2018 In Projekti TEMPUS COMPETENCE “Matching competences in higher education and economy: From competence catalogue to strategy and curriculum development”
March 26, 2018 In Projekti TEMPUS Opening University towards Society: Linking Education-Research-Innovation
March 26, 2018 In Projekti TEMPUS B.A.F.U.M. – Development of BSc(Hons) Accounting and Finance Degree for the University of Montenegro
March 26, 2018 In Projekti TEMPUS Creating R&D Capacities and Instruments for boosting Higher Education-Economy Cooperation
March 26, 2018 In Projekti TEMPUS Creation of a National Qualification Framework in Higher Education in Montenegro
March 26, 2018 In Projekti TEMPUS Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro