1. Support for nationally driven activities which are in line with the Bologna Process and national Bologna plan/strategy, and enable to draw on expertise gained in other countries and in European institutions and organizations participating in the Bologna Process. – Montenegro Team of Bologna Promoters need to be engaged in promotion and implementation of three intermediate priorities for the next two years (as adopted in Berlin’s Communique):
2.Quality assurance (to support and promote further development of quality assurance at institutional and national level, internal and eternal. To provide counseling to set up QA and accreditation agency, enhancing institutional quality culture, accountability in Montenegro.
3.The three-cycle system (to contribute and to promote Curricular Reform, a framework of comparable and compatible qualifications for Montenegro higher education system, which should seek to describe qualifications in terms of workload, level, learning outcomes, competences and profile. Also, to promote a process and to elaborate principles on which will be built an overarching framework of qualifications for the European Higher Area – against which national frameworks would articulate).
4. Recognition of degrees and periods of studies (to ecourage and to promote further progress with implementation of ECTS as transfer and accumulation system. Ensure that the use of ECTS is integrated into institution-wide policies and that its guidelines, principles and tools are properly understood in enabling academic and administrative staff and students to exploit the potential of ECTS as an effective and transparency tool. To make sure that every student at Montenegro University, graduating as from 2005 should receive the Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge).
5. Promotion of Mobility of students and staff. Enable widespread mobility within institutions, national systems and internationally. Unfortunately, student mobility from our institutions to other European countries not increased over the last three years, on the contrary it decreased.
6. Promotion of an active role students and institution in Montenegro in the construction of the European Higher Education Area.
7. Promoting the Lifelong Learning.
8. Promoting of the European Dimension in Higher Education and Attractiveness of the EHEA.
9. Promoting EHEA and ERA – two pillars of the knowledge based society.
10. This Team will organize stocktaking process and prepare detailed report on the progress and implementation of the intermediate priorities before Ministerial meeting in Bergen, Norway in May 2005.
11. The Team will encourage participation of staff and students at official Bologna Seminars and Conferences in priority areas.
12. Providing support and advice from partner institutions included in this TEMPUS project.
13.Creating Montenegro Team of Bologna Promoters website with the most up-dated information about Bologna process and undertaken actions of implementation in Montenegro.