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Erasmus+ call to support Bologna reforms in EHEA countries

We would like to inform you that Erasmus+ call for proposals for national authorities for higher education which intends to support the Bologna reforms in higher education (EACEA/35/2018) has been launched.

Please note that while programme countries can apply as applicants, partner countries will only be able to participate as partners in the projects selected under the open EACEA/35/2018 call. Applications will have to be submitted by Erasmus+ programme country institutions. National authority from Montenegro is eligible to participate as co-beneficiary in the projects but not as applicant organisation.

The goal of the Erasmus+ call is to support implementation of commitments made within the Bologna Process (Strand 1 of the call). This will be done through transnational peer support activities targeting any member country of the European Higher Education Area, contributing to at least one of the three peer groups established under the Bologna Follow-Up Group. These transnational peer support activities (for example peer learning, peer counselling, peer review etc.), should involve both national authorities and stakeholders at national level (higher education institutions, academics, students etc.) and, where relevant, consultative members of the Bologna Process.

The call for proposals is currently open and the deadline for applications is on 23 October 2018. Invitation to submit a proposal is available at following link.

The opportunities announced in the call may add to the support provided through CBHE projects.


As stated in the Paris Ministerial Communiqué, the implementation of agreed reforms within the Bologna Process remains uneven.

To tackle the challenges identified and ensure the implementation of Bologna key commitments, the Paris Communiqué endorsed a new structured peer support approach. Three ‘Bologna peer groups’ will:

  • Set up a three-cycle system compatible with the overarching framework of qualifications of the European Higher Education Area and first and second cycle degrees scaled by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System;
  • Ensure compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention;
  • Develop quality assurance in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.

Previous Erasmus+ konkurs za podršku Bolonjskim reformama u EHEA zemljama


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