Prof. Maja Bacovic, Vice-rector of the University of Montenegro, opened the conference. Prof. Janko Jovanovic, Vice-dean for scientific and research work, as a host of the conference, greeted all present people in front of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Besides representatives of the University of Montenegro and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, representatives of local authorities, professors from partner universities from Western Balkan countries, representatives of partners from EU countries (TU Delft and UPC BarcelonaTech), Prof. Jordi Segalas Coral from Barcelona and prof. Karel F. Mulder from Delft who gave a lecture from the field of sustainable infrastructure development and energy efficiency, were present at the final conference. National Erasmus+ coordinator presented Erasmus+ programme EU and possibilities for participation of higher education institutions of Montenegro, in particular part which refers to credit mobility, bearing in mind that all countries did not use quotas destined for this action, within ongoing call.
All information about the project, and materials which were developed during the project are available on the website of the project at the University of Montenegro (
You can download here the presentation of National Erasmus+ Office.