Naziv projekta / Title | Foundation of Study Program for Inclusive Education in Montenegro |
Referentni broj / Reference number | 530766-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-ME-TEMPUS-SMHES |
Godina projekta / Project year | 2012 |
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years | 3 |
Područje / Scope | Nacionalni |
Tip projekta / Type | Tempus Joint project – Governance Reform |
Kratak pregled / Summary | The wider objective of the Project is to develop an inclusive concept at the university level: by developing a Curriculum of new master study program, sensitizing university staff for the full affirmation of the inclusive paradigm in higher education and the entire educational system.
Partneri / Partners | University of Montenegro – grant holder
Pedagogical Center of Montenegro Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of Hearing Disorder Rehabilitation Center Institute for Disabled Children Ministry of Education and Sports Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Instituto Politecnico di Porto University of Jyväskylä Leuven University College |
Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros | 399 |
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros | 359 |
Preuzmite dokument / Download | Preuzmite |
National Erasmus + Office +382 20 223 087