HarISA is a joint project and will be implemented as multi-country project involving four EU countries and four partner countries from Western Balkan region (WBC). It aims to support the modernization and internationalization of the higher education in WBC in the field of plant health and to contribute to cooperation between EU and WBC and among WBC in implementing EU policy on plant health and gaining scientific knowledge for transferring the skills and competences for achieving sustainable use of pesticides and implementing the principles of IPM in agricultural production.
Project shall achieve specific objectives as are: to harmonize, improve and modernize the doctoral study programs in plant health among partner universities in order to increase the competences and skills of PhD candidates to respond to the global plant health issues; to develop joint framework and the draft of the curriculum of International Joint PhD study program in Plant Health, to foster regional integration in the field of plant health research and education among WBC and between WBC and EU.
A range of activities on PhD study curriculum testing, adaptation and development, and also activities aimed to strengthen the internationalization of HEI and effective networking capacity in research, scientific and technological innovation in the field of plant health will be carried out.
HarISA will contribute to the international recognition and will enable education of young scientists in plant health ready to cooperate and participate in scientific research at regional and international level. The joint framework and draft of the curriculum of International Joint Doctoral study program in plant health will be prepared and ready to be submitted to accreditation.