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Improving the process of education through the development of e-learning multimedia platform and smart classrooms (SMARTEL)

Naziv projekta / Title Improving the process of education through the development of e-learning multimedia platform and smart classrooms (SMARTEL)
Referentni broj / Reference number 618534-EPP-1-2020-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Godina projekta / Project year 2020
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 3
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Država koordinator / Coordinator Kosovo
Države partneri / Partner states Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Kosovo, Malta, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain
Tip projekta / Type Erasmus+ Joint Projects – Modernisation of governance, management and functioning of HEIs
Kratak pregled / Summary The overall objective of the project is to improve the teaching process at the Region 1 countries’ HEIs (Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina) with a special emphasis on enabling the accessibility of the teaching process particularly for students from vulnerable groups, for students from geographically and economically isolated areas and for other students that do not belong to the group of students with a special needs.

The specific objectives of this project include:

  • realization of modern multimedia learning platforms,
  • creating e-content for multimedia platforms,
  • equipping the classrooms with modern ICT technology for teaching (smart classroom),
  • developing new pedagogical approaches based on application of ICT technologies,
  • training of teaching and technical staff to maintain and further develop learning platforms.

Each Partner country’s HEI would implement a state of the art multimedia learning platform and smart classroom. The realization of a multimedia learning platform for learning would include:

  • availability of teaching material in electronic form and electronic library,
  • video presentation of teaching and laboratory exercises,
  • live-streaming of significant university scientific and educational events,
  • integration of text, table, chart, image, sound, animation, hypertext, interactive content and complete software tools,
  • student participation in lecturing and lab exercises from any location and at any time,
  • teaching content adapted for disabled students (subtitling and speech synthesis).

A smart classroom would be equipped with a classroom management software that allows interaction between teachers and students during teaching and student supervision by teachers. Generally, the role of a smart classroom can be divided into two. The first role is its use for teaching by using teaching methods based on modern ICT for students already located in the classroom. The second role is to provide virtual participation in the teaching process for students who are not directly in the same classroom as a teacher. Namely, students (from home or in remote unit classrooms) can use the streaming to attend the teaching, and through classroom management software can interactively participate in teaching in the same manner as students who are located in classroom with a professor. Depending on the interests of teachers and students of the HEI that uses a smart classroom, the teaching process from a single HEI can also be distributed to students belonging to a partner’s HEI.

These goals will be realized with the support of experts from EU partner institutions that will provide teaching and professional support in the realization of project activities. Also, the knowledge of academic staff from Partner countries’ HEIs will be exploited. Necessary equipment for the realization of the aforementioned goals will be procured from the budget of the project envisaged for this purpose.

Partneri / Partners • UNIVERSITY OF MITROVICA (XK)
• University of Mostar (BA)
EU grant u eurima / EU grant in euros 831, 873.00 €
Vrsta projekta Joint
Organizacije učesnice
Nacionalne institucije visokog obrazovanja
Prioritetne oblasti
Status nacionalne organizacije učesnice Partner
Preuzmite dokument / Download
Previous Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities (STAND)


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