Minister for Education and Sport of Montenegro, Slavoljub Stijepović and Leopold Maurer, Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro officially opened the event and addressed the audience with the welcome speeches. Jordi CURELL, Director, DG for Education and Culture delivered presentation on the EU policies for education, training and sustainable growth: E&T 2020 and the Annual Growth Strategy.
The representatives of the Western Balkans ministries of education presented their reforms under the agenda item “Western Balkan policies for education and training and sustainable growth: Good practice cases”.
The representatives of European Commission, Arnaud Appriou, Education Chapter Desk, DG for Enlargement and Helene Skikos, Policy Officer, DG for Education and Culture presented statistics and an overview of the assistance given via EU programmes such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, and other support via IPA projects and ETF. Brian Holmes, Head of Department, Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency presented increased cooperation in education and training programmes (Centralised Actions of LLP, Eurydice, Euroguidance, Europass)
The final part of the agenda was dedicated to suggestions for short-term cooperation projects, agreement on the working modalities and on topics to be tackled at the next meeting.