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Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation (WBCInno)

Naziv projekta / Title Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation (WBCInno)
Referentni broj / Reference number 530213-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES
Godina projekta / Project year 2012
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 3
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Tip projekta / Type Tempus Joint project – Governance Reform
Kratak pregled / Summary To establish Regional University Innovation Platform (UIP) at five WBC universities for integration and focusing on innovation potential and for fostering technology transfer and commercialization, by M12

2.  To reinforce existing and to establish new university structures and services in the areas of knowledge transfer, research and innovation, in line with UIP, by M18

3. To support the development of university-based Business Incubators (BI) and Science Technology Parks (STP) in the WBC region, through mobilizing of university resources and partnerships with business world

4. To develop a methodology for innovation management and networking of different cross-functional stakeholders from university and business, based on collaborative software platform/tool by M18

5. To facilitate the creativity of young people and involvement of public and private stakeholders in all modernization processes based on the Triple Helix model of cooperation

The WBCInno project has an overarching aim to contribute to the modernization of WBC universities through the strengthening of their management structures/services for cooperation with the world of business in the areas of knowledge transfer, research and innovation. It has as its ultimate goal the creation of strong entrepreneurial universities and innovative regions. Five specific objectives of the project are:

1. To establish Regional University Innovation Platform (UIP) at 5 WBC universities for integration and focusing of innovation potential and for fostering technology transfer and commercialization

2. To reinforce existing and to establish new university structures/services in the areas of knowledge transfer, research and innovation, in line with UIP requirements

3. To support the development of Business Incubators and Science Technology Parks in the WBCs, through mobilizing university resources

4. To develop a methodology for innovation management and networking of different stakeholders from universities and businesses, utilising collaborative software platform/tools

5. To facilitate the creativity of young people and involvement of public/private stakeholders in all modernization processes based on the Triple Helix model of cooperation

The project was initiated as a result of identified needs of the WBC region and defined strategic directions of the region’s development. The project team has good history in capitalizing previous results of the WBC-VMnet project, which has been presented as good practice at an EACEA event.

The main focus is to develop the UIP supported by collaborative software tool for innovation management, with the intention of gathering new ideas from university staff and students, and boosting knowledge transfer and commercialization of R&D results. University structures and services will be developed and modernized for efficient support in the development of Business Incubators and Science Technological Parks in WBCs.

Partneri / Partners University of Kragujevac (Serbia) – coordinator

University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

University of Zenica (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

University of Montenegro

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

Graz University of Technology (Austria)

Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)

University of Alicante (Spain)

Business Technology Incubator of Technical Faculties Belgrade (Serbia)

Business innovation centre LLC Kragujevac (Serbia)

Business Incubator Novi Sad (Serbia)

Hamburg University of Technology (Germany)

Business Service Center of Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Intranea Solutions (Serbia)

Innovation centre Banja Luka (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Busines Incubator “Inventivnost”, Podgorica (Montenegro)

Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros  832074
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros 748867
Preuzmite dokument / Download Preuzmite
Previous Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management


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