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Not for profit European sport events


This Action is aimed to support:

  • Volunteering in sport;
  • Social inclusion through sport;
  • Gender equality in sport;
  • Health-Enhancing Physical Activity;
  •  Implementation of the European Week of Sport.

The Commission, through its Executive Agency, will carry out one selection round over the year.

Within the not-for-profit European sport events, the indicative allocation for different categories will be as follows:

  • approximately 30% for events to implement the European Week of Sport;
  • approximately 70% for events not linked to the European Week of Sport (e.g. relating to volunteering in sport, social inclusion through sport, gender equality in sport, health-enhancing physical activity).

Approximately 4 events should be selected for the implementation of the European Week of Sport. They should focus on the themes identified for the implementation of the European Week of Sport (namely: education, workplace, outdoors, sport clubs and fitness centres).

Approximately 8 events not linked to the European Week of Sport should be selected. In relation to the above topics (i.e. volunteering, social inclusion, gender, HEPA), at least one event should focus on the external dimension of sport (e.g. sport diplomacy) and at least one event should focus on the role of grassroots sport in supporting the objectives of this action (volunteering in sport, social inclusion in and through sport, gender equality in sport, health-enhancing physical activity).

All detailed information about this action can be found at the official web page of the Executive Agency:


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