The results of the 2018 selection of 42 new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programmes have been posted on the EACEA website:
These programmes were selected out of a total of 112 proposals for this call.
With the budget of 147.862.540 EUR [distributed between Heading 1 (119.909.760 EUR), Heading 4 (22.957.980 EUR) and EDF (4.994.800 EUR)] 42 EMJMDs will be funded, and 4 proposals have been put on the reserve list. The annex lists (i) 42 selected consortia including all partners & associates, (ii) four reserve-listed consortia and (iii) stats per programme country on applications and selected projects.
The new programmes will make four annual selections of students. For most, this means 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, though some will start without a preparatory year, selecting already now. Over the four years these 42 programmes will select candidates for over 3000 Erasmus Mundus scholarships. 2480 will be given to students worldwide using the programme’s global Heading 1 budget (with at least 75% going to Partner countries), while an extra 595 will be awarded with Heading 4 money for certain regional ‘windows’, including South Med, Eastern Partnership, and Central Asia. In their proposals, the 42 programmes already had to request additional scholarships for one or more windows.
The 42 coordinators are from 12 different Programme Countries, while 26 Programme Countries are involved as full partners. We have nine full partners from Partner Countries in five programmes, and 259 associated partners from 61 Partner Countries overall.
With the filterable annexes you can see the partners or associated partners from your countries.
HEIs from Montenegro are involved in one newly selected joint master programme. It is a programme of South European Studies, coordinated by University of Glasgow. Programme is being implemented by 5 full partner universities (University of Glasgow, Universite Dˈaix Marseille, Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon, Univerista Degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) and 24 associated partners. University of Montenegro is involved as one of associated partner.