Naziv projekta / Title | New Library Services at Western Balkan universities |
Referentni broj / Reference number | 158764-TEMPUS-RS-TEMPUS-JPGR |
Godina projekta / Project year | 2009 |
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years | 3 |
Područje / Scope | Multi-country |
Tip projekta / Type | Tempus Joint project – Governance Reform |
Kratak pregled / Summary | The aim of the project submitted by University library of Belgrade, University Library of Kragujevac, University library of Niš, University library of Montenegro, University library of Sarajevo and University library of Tuzla is to ensure modernization of the existing university library networks, to establish new Web based library services and institutional repositories and to implement European standards in university learning environment. During the project period existing library networks are going to be upgraded to ensure the whole range of Web based ILS services. Institutional repositories for university e-documents with searching and harvesting facilities will be established as well. Partner university libraries have joined together in this project because of their similar library experience. Being a part of larger Western Balkan library network, named COBISS Net, new established model of learning environment may also be the pilot model for other universities in Western Balkan. Project is based on numeruos trainingprogrammes that should wide up information knowledge and skills of university researchers and establish new learning atitudes among students. Sustanibility of the project is based on the already established system of financing of the existing library network. |
Partneri / Partners | University of Belgrade, University library, University of Vienna, Middlesex University, Computing center of the University of Belgrade, University library of University of Belgrade, University library of University of Ljubljana, University library of Nis, University library of Kragujevac, Faculty of philosophy in Tuzla, National and University library in Sarajevo |
Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros | 590672 |
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros | 0 |
Preuzmite dokument / Download | Preuzmite |
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