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Objavljeni rezultati selekcije Erasmus+ projekata u oblasti izgradnje kapaciteta u visokom obrazovanju za 2022. godinu

Obavještavamo Vas da su objavljeni rezultati selekcije Erasmus+ projekata u oblasti izgradnje kapaciteta u visokom obrazovanju za 2022. godinu.

Ustanove visokog obrazovanja iz Crne Gore su koordinatori 2 novoodobrena projekta:

  • Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the nonacademic Sector (SmartWB) – Koordinator je Univerzitet Crne Gore, dodijeljeni budžet iznosi 719,889.00 EUR
  • Western Balkan entrepreneurial university alliances – keeping in touch for lifelong relations     (AL4LIFE) – Koordinator je Univerzitet Crne Gore, dodijeljeni budžet iznosi 707,957.00 EUR

Crnogorske ustanove visokog obrazovanja učestvuju u sledećim novoodobrenim projektima kao partneri u projektu:

  • Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans Education (DIGITCRESHE)
  • E-Learning Gamifyed and Networked Training for Startupper (E-le.G.A.N.T.S.)
  • Greening Relevance in Operations in Western-Balkans Tertiary-Education Habitats     (GROWTH)
  • Managerial and GoverNance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)
  • IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans (IoT-ECO)  
  • Strengthening capacities and digital competences in biomedical education through internationalization at home (BIOSINT)
  • Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans’ Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) COWEB
  • MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development (CRED4TEACH)
  • Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs (DGTRANS)
  • International Engineering Competence Centres to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro (INTEC)
  • Partnership for Promotion and Popularization of Electrical Mobility through Transformation and Modernization of WB HEIs Study Programs (PELMOB)
  • Innovation Centres for the development of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking to facilitate the development of sustainable smart solutions in the Western Balkans (SMART)
  • Strengthening International Staff & Student Mobility Offices in the West Balkans (ROAMING)


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