Mobility day at the Faculty of Economics

The Center for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Economics has traditionally organized Mobility Day, which provided an opportunity for all interested students to get clear information about exchange programmes. Students were able to find out everything about the mobility programmes available to them within the Erasmus+ programme as well as other exchange programmes that can open doors for them to European universities.

The speakers at the event were: prof. Tamara Backović, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics for International Cooperation, Ljiljana Gogić, representative of the National Erasmus+ Office, Jelena Pelević in front of the Office for International Cooperation of University of Montenegro and Anass Zizoun, an exchange student at UoM.

Prof. Tamara Backović pointed out that student mobility programs are extremely important, both for international cooperation and for developing a global perspective. Also, such events aim to motivate students to decide to start mobility at one of the partner higher education institutions.

Ljiljana Gogić, the representative of the National Erasmus+ Office, clearly highlighted the International credit mobility and Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters opportunities and presented the NEO research results on the experience and impact of the Erasmus+ programme, while Jelena Pelević explained to the students the application procedures, key steps for a successful application as well as other offers offered by European universities.

Anass Zizoun, an exchange student from the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France, shared his experience studying at the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, presented his university and invited students to take the opportunity to spend a semester in his city.

The presentation of the National Erasmus+ Office is available below:

Erasmus+ mobility opportunities – Ljiljana Gogić, National Erasmus+ office




Previous WESTERN BALKAN INFO HUB ABOUT ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ in the Western Balkans


Pitajte nacionalnu Erasmus + kancelariju

Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

Kontakt mejl za pitanja studenata:

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