The HERE seminar on “Digital Teaching and Learning” was held

We are pleased to inform you that the Montenegrin Higher Education Reform Experts team (HERE), in collaboration with the SPHERE network and the National Erasmus+ Office in Montenegro, organized the third TAM (Technical Assistance Mission) seminar on “Digital Teaching and Learning” at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the University of Montenegro over the past two days.

The event was inaugurated by Vanja Drljević, director of the National Erasmus+ office in Montenegro, and professor Dijana Vučković from the University of Montenegro, a HERE team member and the seminar’s initiator. The keynote speaker was Antoine Rauzy, Program Manager for Digital Education at France’s National Research Agency.

Recognizing the global significance of digital teaching and learning, the seminar provided a valuable platform to explore the implementation of digital practices in education. It offered insights into the benefits and drawbacks of digital versus traditional teaching methods, shared best practices, and presented various digital services at the University of Montenegro (by Balša Femić from the Information System Center of University of Montenegro). A panel discussion examined the digitalization process at Montenegrin universities, featuring prof. Sanja Peković, vice-rector at the University of Montenegro, Katarina Šćepanović from the University of Donja Gorica, and prof. Nađa Žarić from the University Mediterranean. Additionally, a study on online teaching conducted post-COVID-19 was presented by prof. Dijana Vučković, along with discussions on the ethical implications of using ChatGPT.

On the seminar’s second day, various digital tools for learning and teaching were showcased, followed by a workshop on integrating digital environments into curricula. The student perspective on digital teaching and learning was presented by Danilo Bulatović from the University of Donja Gorica and Vedran Vujisić from the Student Parliament of University of Montenegro, highlighting the advantages and challenges encountered by students. The event provided a comprehensive examination of the digitization process in higher education.

Presentations from the event are available below:

Why to use online teaching – a continuum from face-to-face to distance learning prof. Antoine Rauzy, Programme Manager for Digital Education and Formation at the National Research Agency France

Students and teachers perceptions of emergency remote teaching and leaning in Montenegrin higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic – prof. Dijana Vučković, HERE member, University of Montenegro– prof. Dijana Vučković, HERE member, University of Montenegro

Digital Services Offered by UoM  – Balša Femić, University of Montenegro


A room for co-modal teaching (Vassiliki Michou –

Le Centre


Previous IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)


Pitajte nacionalnu Erasmus + kancelariju

Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

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