We are pleased to inform you that the two-day HERE seminar entitled “Quality Assurance Mechanisms in Higher Education in Europe: Focus on Quality or Procedures” organized by the Montenegrin Higher Education Reform Experts team (HERE), in cooperation with the SPHERE network (comprising OBREAL global (coordinator) and the European University Association – EUA) and the National Erasmus+ Office in Montenegro, has been held on October 21-22, 2024 at the premises of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Montenegro.
In the introduction of the event, the attendees were addressed by Vanja Drljević, coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Montenegro; Dragana Ćetković, director of the Directorate for Higher Education in the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of Montenegro; and prof. Mira Vukčević, president of the Montenegrin HERE team, who emphasized the importance of organizing such seminars and the significance of the active participation of the entire academic community in this type of event.
Guest lecturers at this seminar, prof. Oliver Vettori from WU Vienna / ENGAGE.EU University Alliance, and Horia Onita, president of the European Students’ Union, shared their knowledge and experience in the field of quality assurance in higher education and presented key challenges in the quality assurance process. The event was marked by the active participation of representatives of higher education institutions in Montenegro, members of the HERE team, as well as relevant authorities in this field (the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of Montenegro and the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). The challenges in the quality assurance process in higher education were also presented from the perspective of students, through a panel organized with the representatives of the Student Parliament of the University of Montenegro and the University of Donja Gorica.
Agenda of the seminar is available here
Presentations from the seminar are available below: