T935 – Credit transfer Systems
Introducing the European Credit Transfer System along with Bachelor/Master study programmes in line with the Bologna Declaration implies a fundamental change of the existing study programmes and developing completely new ones, in accordance with the new definition, content of particular courses, new one-semester concept, place within an integrated plan of studies. New consideration of previous practice: manner of teaching, assessment, optimal technical conditions, as well as programmes of secondary schools based on which the knowledge necessary for successful mastering of particular subject matters is acquired, represents a very important element in their shaping. Introducing new fields and specialist courses, in accordance with modern trends in education, development of new technologies, realistic current and strategically projected and needs of market in the country and broader is a field of action in which those who develop new programmes and curricula, quite logically, have little or no experience. Conception of mobility, multidisciplinarity, which, under certain conditions implies transition from one to another study programme within one or more universities, also constitutes an important element in shaping new plans and curricula. University of Montenegro, as one of the first universities in the region that started this process will use experiences from the seminar to analyze the effects of initiated reform and creation and implementation of its future phases.