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Results of Erasmus Mundus 2011 selection: Call for Proposals EACEA/41/10

Action 1 Joint Programmes:

Action 1a: Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs)

30 Masters Courses have been selected under this selection. 15 of these 30 newly-selected Masters courses are renewals of existing Masters courses.

A total of 131 EMMCs will be offering scholarships starting in the academic year 2012-2013 to students and scholars from inside and outside Europe to study or teach within the Masters Course.

EMMCs selected in 2011

Action 1b: Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs)

The annual selection of EMJDs has resulted in 10 new Joint Doctorates to add to the 24 selected in the previous two calls. These 34 doctoral-level training and research programmes, which last three to four years, will all be offering fellowships starting in the academic year 2012-2013.

EMJDs selected in 2011


On the selected projects page you will find a list of all EMMCs and EMJDs, including previous selections. The list contains a link to each consortia’s website (updated for new projects by September).

Action 2 Partnerships:

This overview table provides a list of all partnerships selected in 2011.

 Action 2 Strand 1 partnerships selected in 2011

 Action 2 Strand 2 partnerships selected in 2011

Action 2, Strand 1

Action 2 Strand 1 has selected 36 partnerships for mobility between the EU and countries covered by a number of the EU’s financial instruments: ENPI, DCI, EDF and IPA.

List of Action 1 Strand 1 partnerships selected (with partners)

Action 2, Strand 2

Action 2 Strand 2 has selected 4 partnerships for mobility between the EU and countries covered by the Industrialised Countries Instrument.

List of Action 1 Strand 2 partnerships selected (with partners)

Action 3 Attractiveness projects:

Action 3 has selected 7 projects in its open Call for Proposals for projects to promote the attractiveness of European higher education. higher education cooperation with particular regions, the improvement of services for international students and doctoral candidates, quality assurance, the link between higher education and research, and on ways of promoting European study opportunities for doctoral candidates. Action 3 has also selected 2 projects in a restricted Call for Proposals aimed at Erasmus Mundus National Structures.

Action 3, Open Call for Proposals, 2011 selection

Action 3, National Structures Call for Proposals, 2011 selection


All the results are published on the Erasmus Mundus website:


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