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Selection results: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2018

We are pleased to inform you that the selection results for the call for proposals under Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2018 (EAC/A05/2017) have been published.The Evaluation Committee recommended a total 147 proposals to receive a grant, of which 133 are Joint Projects and 14 Structural Projects.

Higher education institutions from Montenegro are involved in six regional projects, and total budget amounts to 5.5 million euro.

The University of Montenegro is the coordinator of the regional project “Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania – the good practice paradigm”.

In addition to the University of Montenegro; the University of Donja Gorica, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as higher education institutions from Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and Slovakia are also involved in the project.

Higher education institutions from Montenegro are involved as partners in the remaining five projects. The projects are as follows:

  1. “Strengthening of master curricula in water resources management for the Western Balkans HEIs and stakeholders” – The coordinator of the project is the University of Niš, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Montenegro is the partner of the project.
  2. “Enhancing and Validating service related competences in Versatile learning environments in Western Balkan Universities U.E.T. SHPK Albania”– The coordinator of the project is the European University in Tirana, and the University of Donja Gorica and the University of Montenegro are involved in this project as partners.
  3. “Harmonization and Innovation in PhD Study Programs for Plant Health in Sustainable Agriculture” – The coordinator of the project is the University of Zagreb, while the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro is involved in the project as a partner.
  4. “Improving the Traffic Safety in the Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies” – The coordinator of the project is the University of Mitrovica, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Montenegro and “Adriatik” University in Bar are partners.
  5. “Keep Educating Yourself” – The coordinator of the project is the College of Professional Studies for Educators in Novi Sad. The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Montenegro, Institute for Education, Kindergarten Ljubica Popović, as well as the city of Podgorica and the municipality of Nikšić are involved in the project as partners.

Selection results have also been published at the website of EACEA (Education, Audiovisual  and Culture Executive Agency):

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