Erasmus+ project “Strengthening Capacities for Higher Education of Pain Medicine in Western Balkan Countries” has been selected within Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Call for. proposals 2017 (EAC/A03/2016).
The main aim of the project is to increase quality of education in pain medicine in order to contribute to the improvement of public health care services in EU partner countries in line with the Health 2020 goals. There is a significant problem in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina of large percentage of the population who suffers from cancer, rheumatic and neurological diseases, while education in the field of pain medicine is insufficient. The above problems have led to a significant number of people in the population that is not receiving adequate pain therapy and adequate health services.
One aims of this project is developing an interdisciplinary program in Pain Medicine under / postgraduate studies by applying new methodologies and specific learning outcomes and partner country universities. The introduction of the modernized study program of pain medicine is important for improvement of the quality of higher education that will contribute to improving the health care of the population. Moreover, one of the aims is establishment of academic network that would allow the exchange of knowledge of health care workers in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main tool of this network would be developed educational PAIN REGION WB Network which will enhance regional cooperation and education of pain medicine of all partner country universities.
Also, one of project aims is delivering of trainings of pain medicine in order to increase skills and competences of health care workers (HCWs) in PCs . Training would be for the two target groups: the first type of courses would be for HCWs who work in primary health care centres and daily dealing with the management of pain medicine, and other types of courses would organized in the form of highly specialized training for emergency treatment of pain for doctors who work in tertiary institutions.
Also, one of HEPMP aims is delivering of trainings of pain medicine in order to increase skills and competences of health care workers (HCWs) in PCs . Training would be for the two target groups: the first type of courses would be for HCWs who work in primary health care centres and daily dealing with the management of pain medicine, and other types of courses would organized in the form of highly specialized training for emergency treatment of pain for doctors who work in tertiary institutions.
The first work package refers to a comparative analysis of study programs and courses in the field of PM in the PCs and PgCs, and offers analysis of the labour market because it is necessary to determine the existing differences in methodological approach, as well as the program itself. The second work package would include the development of learning material for study program of PM, while the third work package includes the development of LLL courses and highly specialized courses for interventional pain management. The fourth package includes establishment of academic network that would deal with the exchange of knowledge, which as a network dealing with PM for now does not exist in the Western Balkans region. Quality control and management of the project as are the sixth and seventh work package