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Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro higher education (DUALMON)

Naziv projekta / Title Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro higher education (DUALMON)
Referentni broj / Reference number 617392-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Godina projekta / Project year 2020
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 3
Područje / Scope Nacionalni
Država koordinator / Coordinator Serbia
Države partneri / Partner states Austria, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia
Tip projekta / Type Erasmus+ Structural Projects – Strengthening of relations between higher education systems and the wider economic and social environment
Kratak pregled / Summary The main aim of the project is to improve the competences of higher education graduates in Montenegro, through the development of generic model of dual education (DUALMON model) and legal framework for introduction of dual education in order to support different needs and interests of students, companies, higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country and to provide recommendations to HEIs for implementation of dual education in the entire Montenegro. The model will be implemented, as a pilot test, at four faculties of University of Montenegro, from different fields: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality and Faculty of Maritime Studies. Development of generic model of dual education (DUALMON model) will be conducted through transfer of knowledge from HE institutions from programme countries: University of Novi Sad (Serbia), FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H. (Austria), and Academia (Slovenia). Dual education in Austria and Slovenia is considered to be very successful and Austrian model is among the best in the world. FH Joanneum and Academia have several dual educational programs in the fields of information and communication technologies, engineering and engineering trades, and manufacturing and processing, while University of Novi Sad has participated in the project of introduction of dual education in Serbia and has experienced teaching staff in the implementation of dual education and development of legal framework in HE.

  • The overall aim Improvement of the competencies of higher education graduates in Montenegro, according to the needs of employers,
  • Increase motivation to study as well as to improve the employability of graduate students,
  • Enable students from lower income families to access higher education, and
  • Improvement of legal framework and accreditation standards in Montenegro in order to adapt to dual education with long-term goal to motivate introduction of dual education in other HEIs in Montenegro.

In order to achieve these aims, the project needs to realize the following specific objectives:

  • Define the specific needs of companies in various industrial sectors and find companies that are willing to participate in pilot implementation of dual higher education during the project;
  • To develop a generic Dual Higher Education Model (DUALMON model) to support different needs and interests of employers, higher education institutions (HEIs) and students in different industrial and business sectors and to provide recommendations to HEIs for implementation of Dual Higher Education;
  • To test the specific dual models generated from the developed generic DUALMON model, by realizing their pilot implementations during the project and to analyse achieved results; and
  • To propose changes to legislation/regulations to implement dual higher education in Montenegro.
Partneri / Partners • University of Novi Sad (RS)
• Ministry of Education (ME)
• Crnogorska plovidba AD Kotor (ME)
• Voli Trade d.o.o. (ME)
• Roaming Networks doo Podgorica (ME)
• Hotels Group Montenegro Stars (ME)
• Crnogorski Telekom A.D. (ME)
EU grant u eurima / EU grant in euros 616, 518.00 €
Vrsta projekta Structural
Organizacije učesnice
Nacionalne institucije visokog obrazovanja Univerzitet Crne Gore
Prioritetne oblasti
Status nacionalne organizacije učesnice Partner
Preuzmite dokument / Download
Previous Improving the process of education through the development of e-learning multimedia platform and smart classrooms (SMARTEL)


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