An information event “Mobility day” aimed at familiarizing students of the Faculty of Economics with the opportunities that are offered to them within various mobility programmes – Erasmus +, CEEPUS, bilateral agreements, was organized at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Montenegro.
Representatives of the Ministry of Education, representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in Montenegro, representatives of the Office for International Cooperation within the University of Montenegro, as well as representatives of the EU Info Center delivered a speech at the event “Mobility Day”. Prof. Saša Popović, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Economics was the panel moderator. On the occasion, Tamara Perović talked about her experiences when it comes to mobility in Ljubljana and Vienna.
Students were given the opportunity to obtain information on the selection of scholarship programmes, partner universities, as well as administrative issues related to the way of submitting an application and selection of candidates. Students were also given the opportunity to learn more about the new Rulebook on how to apply and select the candidates, whose application will begin when publishing Call for proposals in the new academic year.