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The EPALE conference “Flexible Adult Learning Programmes and Development of Human Resources” was held

Within the third cycle of the EPALE project, which is implemented by the Vocational Education Center (Montenegro) – taking the role of the National Support Service – the conference “Flexible Adult Learning Programmes and Development of Human Resources” was held on April 15th-16th in Kolašin (Montenegro). The EPALE project is funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

The event brought together over 100 representatives of various national institutions of the public and civic sector (representatives of ministries as well as other state administration bodies, National Erasmus+ Office, Chamber of commerce, employers, licensed organizers of adult education, higher education institutions, civic sector, media, etc.), as well as the representatives of the EPALE national support services from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and North Macedonia.

The results achieved by Montenegro, during the implementation of the two-year cycle of the EPALE project, were presented by the Director of the Vocational Education Center and the EPALE project manager, Mr. Duško Rajković.

National activities in the field of adult education are promoted by the EPALE platform, and a national system in the same field is presented on the NSS website. The EPALE community was promoted in Montenegro, through the work of the EPALE ambassador as well as the EPALE team, within some EPALE events and other activities in the field of adult education.

Previous Održana EPALE konferencija na temu „Fleksibilni programi učenja odraslih i razvoj ljudskih resursa“


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