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Three-day workshop within the ERASMUS+ project TRAFSAF

In the building of the Academy of Knowledge at the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logistics Budva, the three-day workshop within the ERASMUS+ project TRAFSAF was officially opened on June 1, 2021. The workshop was opened by prof.  Nebojša Arsić, Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Priština, temporary settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, who welcomed the participants as the coordinator of this international project.

During welcome speeches, Marko Carević, president of Budva Municipality; prof. Stevo Nikić, rector of Adriatik University; prof. Zdravko Vitošević, rector of UPKM; Vanja Drljević, National Erasmus+ Coordinator; prof. Vujadin Vešović, Dean of the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logistics Budva, and Director of the Academy of Knowledge addressed the public.


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Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

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