National Erasmus + Office +382 20 223 087

WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network “ Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle“

  • Enhancing the universities’ collaboration with industry, professional training and student practical placement in industry
  • To enlarge VMnet network throughout the WBC region, bringing new experts in the area of virtual product development and members of academia, research, business and governments
  • To develop, assess and implement new regional model for university-enterprise cooperation through international partnerships with recognize EU institutions
  • To modernize and adjust vocational training programme to address the needs of small business and labour market
  • To provide students with opportunity to gain practical experience in industry
  • To raise awareness in the society about necessity of integration of the knowledge triangle for the region prosperity and to ensure quality dissemination of project results and ideas
Previous SuNISP – Support Network for Improvement of the Strategic Planning


Pitajte nacionalnu Erasmus + kancelariju

Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

Kontakt mejl za pitanja studenata:

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