The Western Balkans Info Hub has published stories from users from the Western Balkans region who participated in the Erasmus+ program. The Western Balkans Info Hub has conducted research on the Erasmus+ programme as well as its impact and development in the Western Balkans. It also highlights the importance of the development of this programme, which provides young people with professional training and opportunities for personal development.

Erasmus+ offers the Western Balkan several key opportunities: Mobility projects, Capacity Building and International Credit Mobility (ICM). Mobility projects include student exchanges, youth worker mobility and volunteering project. Since 2014, student participation in academic mobility programmes from the Western Balkans has increased. Capacity building is project for young people and youth workers, allowing organisations in the Western Balkan to participate as partners in mobility projects. International Credit Mobility (ICM) is programme which enables short-term mobility between the EU and other regions, including the Western Balkans, for students researchers and staff.

The impact of the programme is also visible in intercultural networking, and for that purpose, in the organization of the Youth Office and the Erasmus+ office, an event called “Culture on the move: Erasmus+ through intercultural networking” was held in the European House, and a special segment of this event was dedicated to the exchange of personal experiences among Montenegrin users of this programme, as well as foreign students staying in Montenegro.

User of this programme, Amela Frljučkić from Montenegro, shared her experience and spoke about the skills she gained through this programme:

“Erasmus gave me the incredible opportunity to travel, immerse myself in new cultures, and learn from inspiring professors. Studying at the Conservatorio di Musica “Giuseppe Tartini” and the Music Academy in Ljubljana not only refined my musical skills but also helped me grow as a person. I met lifelong friends, experienced unforgettable moments, and returned home stronger, more confident, and enriched with new perspectives. Truly a life-changing experience!“

While Erasmus+ has been successful in the Western Balkans, it faces some challenges such as brain drain concerns regarding the potential for students to remain abroad after their exchange programme and challenges such as varying participations.

The Erasmus+ program offers various actions for education, training, youth and sports where young people can have the opportunity to improve and develop skills. You can read about the rules and application possibilities in the program guide.

Erasmus+ is more than just an opportunity for individuals, it’s a bridge for collaboration and growth, especially in regions like the Western Balkans. While fostering regional cooperation, Erasmus+ also helps participants develop a broader European perspective.

Previous A consultative meeting held at the premises of the Secondary vocational school “Mirko Vešović”


Pitajte nacionalnu Erasmus + kancelariju

Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

Kontakt mejl za pitanja studenata: erasmusmobility@ac.me

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