National Erasmus + Office +382 20 223 087

Western Balkans Academic Education Evolution and Professionals Sustainable Training for Spatial Data Infrastructure

BESTSDI is based on the results of the EU IPA2010 project “INSPIRATION – Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Western Balkans” (2012-2013) and the project “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the region of Western Balkan” (IMPULS), being under execution.

The BESTSDI project refines and  extends these developments in three ways:

1) A successful SDI requires an active participation by all national and local governments within a country, its private sector and citizens. This active participation is impossible without appropriate SDI knowledge and skills. Thus, education on SDI must be properly introduced in higher education study programs for future professionals and life-long learning courses for present professionals.

2) An SDI comes to life, if published geospatial data is widely being (re-)used. BESTSDI covers both spatial data provision as well as its (re-)usage. Data (re-)usage scenarios cover requirements arising in the regional priority domains agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

3) All BESTSDI partner countries are either candidate or potential candidate countries of joining the European Union and have the obligation to implement EU Directives and policies.

Specific objectives:

The BESTSDI project is targeting development, testing and implementing new higher educational curricula within the field of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The project partner countries are still not EU member countries, and SDI knowledge is needed to be able to fulfil obligations of implementing EU Directives and policies on national level. The common goal to implement EU policies on the national level is basis for future joined development and research projects in the region. Positive influence on labour market is expected employing more students with new knowledge and speeder development of this part of economy can be expected. Positive effects are expected in development of the collaboration among the project partners. Generally, strengthening SDI sector on national level will support regional and EU level development.


Previous Training courses for public services in sustainable infrastructure development in Western Balkans (SDTRAIN)


Pitajte nacionalnu Erasmus + kancelariju

Radno vrijeme: Ponedjeljak – Petak 8:00 – 16:00h

Konsultacije sa studentima: Ponedjeljak, srijeda i petak 10:00h -12:00h

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